But What Does It REALLY Mean to Be a Woman of Virtue and Character?

As women, we are constantly battling the standards that society has placed upon our shoulders. But what does God's word actually say about what it means to be a godly, virtuous woman with honorable character?

In The Modern Proverbs 31 Woman Course, we will be breaking down the lies that we so often believe about womanhood.

Grab a cup of coffee & hang with me as we deconstruct each verse of Proverbs 31 to help you deeper understand and implement the patterns of her life in a way that fits the calling and gifts that God has given specifically to YOU.

We will touch on topics like:



Envy & comparison

Work ethic


The prosperity gospel

Budgeting, tithing and stewarding finances biblically

God's grace

Exercise & eating well


Being an honorable wife

Building a safe & God-honoring home life for your family

& so much more.

Most importantly, we will study the true character of God in order to see and remember that the same God that the Proverbs 31 woman worshipped is the same God we worship today.

Let's Talk About The Modern Proverbs 31 Woman Course!

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Listen or Watch on Your Own Time

Each video is available to watch as a video teaching or as an audio file. Listen as you drive to work, sit down with some coffee or get chores done at home.

You will learn what the Bible actually says about those things that you struggle with, the lies you believe and the seasons of life that you feel like you will never overcome.

Lifetime Access

Due to the downloadable nature of this content, once you have purchased the course, you have the ability to download each video and all PDF's for lifetime access!

Dig Into the Bible For a Deeper Understanding of God's Character and His Word

We will deconstruct the verses that we see in Proverbs 31 while also looking at the heart and character of God. There is no replacement for biblical knowledge and understanding.