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The Wife Project
Welcome to The Wife Project! Here's Everything You Need to Know
The Wife Project Introduction (5:14)
The Entire Wife Project Journal - Digital & Printable
Week 1: The Little Foxes and Little Trash Cans in Your Marriage
1. The Easy Way is Rarely the Best Way: Taking the Narrow Path (24:48)
2. You and Your Husband Never Had a Chance: How The Curse Affects Your Marriage (13:32)
3. The Example Disneyland Sets For Your Marriage (12:42)
4: The Soul Things Are The First Things (13:13)
The Wife Project Journal: Pages 4-9
Week 2: Are You a Selfish Lover or a Servant Lover?
1. The Gardener vs. The Consumer: Which One Are You? (12:16)
2. How Entitlement Impacts Your Marriage (9:58)
3. The Antidote to Pride (9:21)
The Wife Project Journal: Pages 10-15
Week 3: Forgive One Another (Even For The Little Things): Overcoming Bitterness, Rebuilding Trust & Letting Go
1. Who Am I To Withhold Forgiveness From Him? (12:13)
2. Trust and Forgiveness Are Not the Same (10:14)
3. She Who Repeats An Issue Separates Close Friends (10:29)
The Wife Project Journal: Pages 16-22
Week 4: When Your Husband Isn't The Man You Expected Him To Be: The Praying Wife
1: When He Disappoints You (13:19)
2: How to Pray Before and During The Battle (11:29)
3: The Leader That He Is (6:17)
The Wife Project Journal: Pages 23-29
Week 5: When Your Husband Isn't The Leader That You Thought He Would Be: The Spiritually Dry Husband and the Faithful, Patient Wife
1: Biblical Leadership Isn't Only For Him (7:56)
2. Girl, YOUR Faith is YOUR Responsibility (10:53)
3. What Does Submission Look Like Then? (11:59)
4: Your Strengths, His Weaknesses (5:29)
The Wife Project Journal: Pages 30-38
Week 6 & 7: How To Communicate Well, Fight Fair and Talk Openly About Sex
1. 4 Ways a Wife Disrespects Her Husband With Her Words (21:32)
2. Communicating Expectations & Filtering Through Thoughts in a Godly Way (7:48)
3. The 4 Communication Patterns That Cause Divorce (18:28)
4. How The Gospel Changes The Way We Communicate (17:58)
5. Let's Talk About Sex (Like Really, Talk About It) (16:37)
The Wife Project Journal: Pages 39-44
Week 8: Becoming Your Husband's Best Friend
Session 1: The Model of Friendship (13:28)
Session 2: How To Bring Your Marriage Back to Life (8:11)
Session 3: The Importance of Spontaneity & Creating New Habits (12:18)
Session 4: You and Your Husband vs. The World (5:20)
The Wife Project Journal: Pages 45-51
Week 9: Are You a Crown or a Thorn To Your Husband?
1. To Be a Crown Upon His Head (12:56)
2. Because His Kindness Leads to Repentance (13:39)
3: We Have So Much To Fight For: It Begins With You (11:46)
The Wife Project Journal: Pages 52-57
Session 3: The Importance of Spontaneity & Creating New Habits
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